This balanced diet for chinchillas has tasty parsley, plantain and linseed for healthy, shiny coats.
The high fibre levels are very important for a chinchilla’s digestive system and also help to wear down continually growing teeth.
Fat levels are very low because chinchillas can easily become overweight. Linseed is another important ingredient to ensure their soft coats stay glossy and in good condition.

Lucerne meal (alfalfa), soya hulls, wheat, soybean meal, wheat feed, extruded locust beans, dried parsley, dried plantain, linseed, monocalcium phosphate, salt, calciumcarbonate.
Vitamin A 15000 IU, Vitamin D3 1500 IU
Protein 16.0%, Crude fibre 19.0%, Fat content 3.0%, Inorganic matter 7.0%, Calcium 0.8%, Phosphorus 0.4%